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Net Zero Energy buildings

Buildings also cause immense CO2 footprints – this therefore also applies to classic office buildings. The more people there are in one place, the higher the resource consumption. With about 400 staff members in the entire group, we therefore bear responsibility for this.
For this reason, we have started to renovate all buildings to net zero energy buildings in the long term and to build them right away sustainably in the event of a new construction.

The first construction phase of the WBG-Pooling and LHM-Pooling offices could already be fully implemented in-house by PLANWORKS.

We are particularly proud of these features:

  • water collecting basin for rainwater, which is used for toilet flush
  • photovoltaic system that supplies the entire edifice with green electricity
  • carbon filters for clean air indoors – emissions from the outside are filtered
  • integration of Loxone technology for resource-saving energy use

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